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The Smelly Mattress

The Smelly Mattress
When was the last time you cleaned your mattress? I’m willing to bet it wasn’t recent enough! Mattresses can harbor spills, stains, dirt, dust, dust mites, and worse—did you know the average person sweats out about half a pint of perspiration each and every night? Although this is gross to think about, it is very true. The fact is we spend about a third of our lives in bed, so we should make it a healthier and pleasant place to be. There are steps you can take to have a cleaner mattress.

Vacuum The Mattress

This is an important first step because it removes the dander and other debris that land on your mattress over time. Using your upholstery attachment will enable you to vacuum suck all types of “nasties” you don’t want to lie around on the mattress.

Spot Cleaning and Odor Removal

As with any spot or odor, it is best to tend to these as soon as possible to avoid the pesty spot and odor to settle in. Having your mattresses professionally power vacuumed and cleaned at least once a year, will not only rinse out all that dead skin and pollutants but also help you sleep easier and breathe better. You spend one-third of your life sleeping, isn’t it worth it?

Let Steam Action Help

Give yourself some peace of mind and get your upholstery cleaned by the pros at Steam Action. Call and make your next appointment today.

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